How Does Arizona Determine Child Support Amounts | Phoenix Family Law

Joel Hoffman | 1152 Views | 06/10/2014

Determining Child Support in Phoenix

Child support in Arizona is controlled by Arizona revised statute, title 25 section 320, which is commonly referred to as the Arizona child support guidelines. The child support is determined from utilizing certain factors:

  • The gross income of both parents
  • The amount of any spousal maintenance is paid or received by either parent
  • The child support paid for another child
  • Whether either parent supports other biological children in their household
  • The number of children at issue and whether any of those children are over twelve years old
  • The cost of health care insurance just for the children
  • The cost of child care for the children
  • Any cost of education of private or special school
  • Any costs associated with an extraordinary child, such as a gifted or handicapped child
  • And finally the amount of parenting days per year for the non-primary custodial parent 

Please contact me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101 to schedule a complimentary consultation to review these factors for your specific situation, and calculate the amount of child support you would either receive or be obligated to pay on a monthly basis. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

How Does Arizona Determine Child Support Amounts | Phoenix Family Law

Determining Child Support in Phoenix

Child support in Arizona is controlled by Arizona revised statute, title 25 section 320, which is commonly referred to as the Arizona child support guidelines. The child support is determined from utilizing certain factors:

  • The gross income of both parents
  • The amount of any spousal maintenance is paid or received by either parent
  • The child support paid for another child
  • Whether either parent supports other biological children in their household
  • The number of children at issue and whether any of those children are over twelve years old
  • The cost of health care insurance just for the children
  • The cost of child care for the children
  • Any cost of education of private or special school
  • Any costs associated with an extraordinary child, such as a gifted or handicapped child
  • And finally the amount of parenting days per year for the non-primary custodial parent 

Please contact me at Warner Angle, (602) 264-7101 to schedule a complimentary consultation to review these factors for your specific situation, and calculate the amount of child support you would either receive or be obligated to pay on a monthly basis. I look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman