How Do I Modify Child Custody in Arizona | Phoenix Family Law

Joel Hoffman | 1212 Views | 06/10/2014

Modifying Child Custody in Arizona

Child custody, which is now called legal decision-making modifications, are controlled by Arizona Revised Statutes, title 25, section 411, and Arizona Revised Statutes, title 25, section 403. A parent cannot modify legal decision-making or parenting time earlier than one year after the initial determination. Unless the court permits the request, because there is reason to believe the child’s present environment may seriously endanger the child’s physical, mental, moral, or emotional health.

The first step is to file a Post-Decree Petition for modification with the court. In order to obtain the modification the court considers 11 factors, which are clearly outlined in Arizona Revised Statute, title 25, section 403. Please contact me at Warner Angle, 602-264-7101. I will schedule a complimentary consultation to review your options of obtaining a modification, and the factors that the court considers in making their determination. I’ll look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman

How Do I Modify Child Custody in Arizona | Phoenix Family Law

Modifying Child Custody in Arizona

Child custody, which is now called legal decision-making modifications, are controlled by Arizona Revised Statutes, title 25, section 411, and Arizona Revised Statutes, title 25, section 403. A parent cannot modify legal decision-making or parenting time earlier than one year after the initial determination. Unless the court permits the request, because there is reason to believe the child’s present environment may seriously endanger the child’s physical, mental, moral, or emotional health.

The first step is to file a Post-Decree Petition for modification with the court. In order to obtain the modification the court considers 11 factors, which are clearly outlined in Arizona Revised Statute, title 25, section 403. Please contact me at Warner Angle, 602-264-7101. I will schedule a complimentary consultation to review your options of obtaining a modification, and the factors that the court considers in making their determination. I’ll look forward to meeting with you.

By: Attorney Joel Hoffman