What is a Medical Power of Attorney | Scottsdale Estate Planning

Chris Hildebrand | 1605 Views | 05/14/2014

Medical Power of Attorney

I want to speak to you today regarding what a medical power of attorney is in the state of Arizona. A medical power of attorney is a legal document allowing a person to designate another person to make medical decisions on their behalf in the event they are incapacitated and unable to make those decisions for themselves.


A medical power of attorney is effective until it is subsequently revoked, upon any expiration date set forth in the document, or upon the person’s recovery from the condition that rendered him or her unable to make their own medical decisions. The patient’s physician makes a determination whether a person is or is not incapacitated for the purpose of determining if the patient or the person designated in the health care power of attorney will be authorized to make medical decisions.

Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law if you have any other questions regarding a medical power of attorney in Arizona.

By: Chris Hildebrand

What is a Medical Power of Attorney | Scottsdale Estate Planning

Medical Power of Attorney

I want to speak to you today regarding what a medical power of attorney is in the state of Arizona. A medical power of attorney is a legal document allowing a person to designate another person to make medical decisions on their behalf in the event they are incapacitated and unable to make those decisions for themselves.


A medical power of attorney is effective until it is subsequently revoked, upon any expiration date set forth in the document, or upon the person’s recovery from the condition that rendered him or her unable to make their own medical decisions. The patient’s physician makes a determination whether a person is or is not incapacitated for the purpose of determining if the patient or the person designated in the health care power of attorney will be authorized to make medical decisions.

Please feel free to contact the attorneys at Hildebrand Law if you have any other questions regarding a medical power of attorney in Arizona.

By: Chris Hildebrand