Is it Important to Establish Paternity | Phoenix Paternity Laws

Erik Bergstrom | 1128 Views | 06/10/2014

Paternity Importance

If you have a child and you are not married to the other parent, it is important to establish the paternity of the biological father with a court order. Simply being on the birth certificate does not create the legal rights and responsibilities like a court order.

Once paternity is established, the parties can agree on, or have the court determine, three issues: legal decision-making, parenting time and child support. The process is to file a complaint in paternity with the court and serve the other party. If the alleged father denies paternity, the court can order a DNA test. If the DNA test shows a 95% or higher probability of paternity, the alleged father is presumed to be the biological father. The court can then proceed to enter orders for legal decision-making, parenting time and child support. If you would like more information, refer to my FAQs under child custody and child support, or contact me directly.

By: Attorney Erik Bergstrom

Is it Important to Establish Paternity | Phoenix Paternity Laws

Paternity Importance

If you have a child and you are not married to the other parent, it is important to establish the paternity of the biological father with a court order. Simply being on the birth certificate does not create the legal rights and responsibilities like a court order.

Once paternity is established, the parties can agree on, or have the court determine, three issues: legal decision-making, parenting time and child support. The process is to file a complaint in paternity with the court and serve the other party. If the alleged father denies paternity, the court can order a DNA test. If the DNA test shows a 95% or higher probability of paternity, the alleged father is presumed to be the biological father. The court can then proceed to enter orders for legal decision-making, parenting time and child support. If you would like more information, refer to my FAQs under child custody and child support, or contact me directly.

By: Attorney Erik Bergstrom