Improving Community Safety | Phoenix Personal Injury

Thomas M. Richardson | 1084 Views | 02/23/2015

Making Phoenix Safer

I’m Tommy Richardson. My law partner, Bill Friedl, and I established Friedl Richardson well over a decade ago in an effort to make Arizona safer. What we’ve done over the last ten years is to take cases where we can improve the safety of the people around us. When we take cases, we’re worried about how those cases are going to help the community. And that’s a big process that we go through with each case. It’s a real deliberation as to whether to take a case. Will this benefit the people around us? If it’s not going to help Arizona, we’re really not interested in pursuing the claim.

By: Thomas Richardson

Improving Community Safety | Phoenix Personal Injury

Making Phoenix Safer

I’m Tommy Richardson. My law partner, Bill Friedl, and I established Friedl Richardson well over a decade ago in an effort to make Arizona safer. What we’ve done over the last ten years is to take cases where we can improve the safety of the people around us. When we take cases, we’re worried about how those cases are going to help the community. And that’s a big process that we go through with each case. It’s a real deliberation as to whether to take a case. Will this benefit the people around us? If it’s not going to help Arizona, we’re really not interested in pursuing the claim.

By: Thomas Richardson