What Does Dissolution of Marriage & Serving the Petition Mean | Phoenix Divorce Attorney

Jason Castle | 1802 Views | 12/02/2014


My name is Jason Castle. I’m an attorney at Jaburg Wilk and my practice areas are family law and criminal defense.

Petition for Dissolution of Marriage

A petition for dissolution of marriage is the initial formal document that starts the legal proceeding. The petition will typically set forth the jurisdiction, which gives the court the power and authority to rule on your issues. Then, it will set forth the issues that you have outstanding.

For example, if you have children you’re going to include that you want decision making power, you want parenting time. It will also set forth what you’re wanting as a final resolution. In a divorce action you’re wanting to get divorced, so you want the marriage to be dissolved.

Serving a Petition

To serve a petition is actually a formal process. In a general sense, it’s to make sure that the opposing party has notice of the action. I get a lot of clients that come in and they want to just hand the other spouse the documents and they think that that’s service. That is not effective legal service. Legal service requires a service processor who is certified to either serve it or for a person to waive service, which is a form they would sign and it would be filed with the court.

By: Jason Castle

What Does Dissolution of Marriage & Serving the Petition Mean | Phoenix Divorce Attorney


My name is Jason Castle. I’m an attorney at Jaburg Wilk and my practice areas are family law and criminal defense.

Petition for Dissolution of Marriage

A petition for dissolution of marriage is the initial formal document that starts the legal proceeding. The petition will typically set forth the jurisdiction, which gives the court the power and authority to rule on your issues. Then, it will set forth the issues that you have outstanding.

For example, if you have children you’re going to include that you want decision making power, you want parenting time. It will also set forth what you’re wanting as a final resolution. In a divorce action you’re wanting to get divorced, so you want the marriage to be dissolved.

Serving a Petition

To serve a petition is actually a formal process. In a general sense, it’s to make sure that the opposing party has notice of the action. I get a lot of clients that come in and they want to just hand the other spouse the documents and they think that that’s service. That is not effective legal service. Legal service requires a service processor who is certified to either serve it or for a person to waive service, which is a form they would sign and it would be filed with the court.

By: Jason Castle