Can I Modify an Existing Child Support Order? | Arizona

Michael Clancy | 1175 Views | 06/03/2014

You can modify an existing child support order if you can show the court a substantial and continuing change of financial circumstances. What does that mean? Well, there’s a whole lot of factors that go into modifying a child support order. You can be spending more or less time with your child. You can be making more or less money. We’ll have to go through the list and see what the guidelines allow you to consider when modifying a child support order, but the general rule is 15%, up or down, that would change to make the change of circumstances substantial and continuing. But, if you’d like more information or want to talk to me more about modifying a child support order, feel free to give me an email.

By: Attorney Michael Clancy

Can I Modify an Existing Child Support Order? | Arizona

You can modify an existing child support order if you can show the court a substantial and continuing change of financial circumstances. What does that mean? Well, there’s a whole lot of factors that go into modifying a child support order. You can be spending more or less time with your child. You can be making more or less money. We’ll have to go through the list and see what the guidelines allow you to consider when modifying a child support order, but the general rule is 15%, up or down, that would change to make the change of circumstances substantial and continuing. But, if you’d like more information or want to talk to me more about modifying a child support order, feel free to give me an email.

By: Attorney Michael Clancy