What is Sole Legal Decision Making Authority | Scottsdale Child Custody

Greg Davis | 2121 Views | 09/03/2014

Legal Decision Making

In Arizona, we don’t use the word legal custody anymore. We now refer to legal custody as decision-making authority. Sole legal decision making authority refers to a situation where one parent makes all the major decisions for a child. It’s rare. Most of the time, legal decision-making is joint. For more information, contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis

What is Sole Legal Decision Making Authority | Scottsdale Child Custody

Legal Decision Making

In Arizona, we don’t use the word legal custody anymore. We now refer to legal custody as decision-making authority. Sole legal decision making authority refers to a situation where one parent makes all the major decisions for a child. It’s rare. Most of the time, legal decision-making is joint. For more information, contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis