How to Modify Spousal Support | Scottsdale Alimony Laws

Greg Davis | 1102 Views | 09/04/2014

Spousal Maintenance in Scottsdale

In Arizona, most people can modify spousal support upon a showing of substantial and continuing changes in circumstances, such as the loss of a job. However, some people execute marital settlement agreements, or property settlement agreements when they are divorcing. Some of these agreements contain non-modifiable spousal maintenance provisions. In those circumstances, spousal maintenance cannot be modified. For more details, please contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis

How to Modify Spousal Support | Scottsdale Alimony Laws

Spousal Maintenance in Scottsdale

In Arizona, most people can modify spousal support upon a showing of substantial and continuing changes in circumstances, such as the loss of a job. However, some people execute marital settlement agreements, or property settlement agreements when they are divorcing. Some of these agreements contain non-modifiable spousal maintenance provisions. In those circumstances, spousal maintenance cannot be modified. For more details, please contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis