How Much Alimony Will I Receive After My Divorce | Scottsdale Alimony Laws

Greg Davis | 1218 Views | 09/04/2014

Awarding Spousal Maintenance in Scottsdale

In Arizona, there’s no specific amount a spouse might receive with respect to spousal maintenance. If you look on the internet, you will find spousal maintenance guidelines, containing a formula. That formula was rejected by the Arizona courts. A.R.S section 25-319(B) governs how much spousal maintenance a court will award. For more details, contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis

How Much Alimony Will I Receive After My Divorce | Scottsdale Alimony Laws

Awarding Spousal Maintenance in Scottsdale

In Arizona, there’s no specific amount a spouse might receive with respect to spousal maintenance. If you look on the internet, you will find spousal maintenance guidelines, containing a formula. That formula was rejected by the Arizona courts. A.R.S section 25-319(B) governs how much spousal maintenance a court will award. For more details, contact me, Greg Davis at Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis