What Happens to Child Support When a Parent Loses Their Job | Scottsdale Child Support

Greg Davis | 1198 Views | 09/04/2014

How Job Loss Effects Child Support

When a parent loses his or her job, the answer is nothing. Nothing happens to child support. A parent who loses his or her job continues to be obligated to pay the court ordered amount of child support, whether or not a parent is working, a parent has an increase in income, a decrease in income, it’s that parent’s obligation to modify child support and that parent should seek legal advice immediately upon losing his or her job. Call me for more information. Greg Davis, Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis

What Happens to Child Support When a Parent Loses Their Job | Scottsdale Child Support

How Job Loss Effects Child Support

When a parent loses his or her job, the answer is nothing. Nothing happens to child support. A parent who loses his or her job continues to be obligated to pay the court ordered amount of child support, whether or not a parent is working, a parent has an increase in income, a decrease in income, it’s that parent’s obligation to modify child support and that parent should seek legal advice immediately upon losing his or her job. Call me for more information. Greg Davis, Davis Limited, (602) 279-1900.

By: Greg Davis