Car Accident Claim Process | Phoenix Auto Accidents

David Wattel | 1103 Views | 07/15/2014

Phoenix Car Accident Claim Process

So, you’re involved in an accident, your vehicle has been damaged, is it repairable, is it a total? We’re going to help you out with that. If it’s repairable, you got a diminished value claim. We’ll help you pursue that as well. You need some medical treatment? We’ll make sure you get to the appropriate providers.

Once you’ve got yourself well, then it’s time to try and settle your claim. We’ll present a demand to the insurance company, document all your losses, medical expenses, your out of pocket expenses, your lost wages, value for pain and suffering, and we’ll give them an opportunity to pay you fair value.

And, if they choose to do so, great. If on the other hand, the insurance company wants to be stingy, we’ll litigate and we’ll force them to pay you fair value. Come to us and that’s what you can expect.

By: David Wattel

Car Accident Claim Process | Phoenix Auto Accidents

Phoenix Car Accident Claim Process

So, you’re involved in an accident, your vehicle has been damaged, is it repairable, is it a total? We’re going to help you out with that. If it’s repairable, you got a diminished value claim. We’ll help you pursue that as well. You need some medical treatment? We’ll make sure you get to the appropriate providers.

Once you’ve got yourself well, then it’s time to try and settle your claim. We’ll present a demand to the insurance company, document all your losses, medical expenses, your out of pocket expenses, your lost wages, value for pain and suffering, and we’ll give them an opportunity to pay you fair value.

And, if they choose to do so, great. If on the other hand, the insurance company wants to be stingy, we’ll litigate and we’ll force them to pay you fair value. Come to us and that’s what you can expect.

By: David Wattel