How Do I Establish Paternity | Scottsdale Family Law

C.D. Owens | 1071 Views | 06/10/2014

Establishing Paternity in Arizona

Alleged fathers very frequently deny paternity. They’re facing 18-years of child support, they’re ticked off at the mother, they’re splitting up and frequently they just don’t have anything to do with the mother or any part of her. But, it’s not something he can avoid.

DNA Tests

The court will order him to be tested. DNA tests are just as routine as getting up in the morning for breakfast. The court will order it or the parties will agree together to do it and often can work it out without the necessity of testing but, we very often lend a lot of help to people in that connection by at least getting them to calm down a little bit for a few minutes and consider the matter. We work it out with them and people can call us whenever they like.

By: CD Owens

How Do I Establish Paternity | Scottsdale Family Law

Establishing Paternity in Arizona

Alleged fathers very frequently deny paternity. They’re facing 18-years of child support, they’re ticked off at the mother, they’re splitting up and frequently they just don’t have anything to do with the mother or any part of her. But, it’s not something he can avoid.

DNA Tests

The court will order him to be tested. DNA tests are just as routine as getting up in the morning for breakfast. The court will order it or the parties will agree together to do it and often can work it out without the necessity of testing but, we very often lend a lot of help to people in that connection by at least getting them to calm down a little bit for a few minutes and consider the matter. We work it out with them and people can call us whenever they like.

By: CD Owens