Max Hanson – Profile Video | Arizona Criminal Defense

Max Hanson | 1769 Views | 06/10/2014

My name is Max Hanson. I’m an Arizona attorney and I practice primarily in criminal defense and family law. Well one, I’ve been doing this for seventeen years here in Arizona. I’ve basically appeared in almost every court in the state, including every county and superior court in the state and probably most of the little tiny courts. I believe in being upfront and honest with clients from the get go. I tell clients I’m a straight shooter and I really believe in that. They need to know what the risks are and what the benefits are to any particular goal or path they want to pursue as far as a case or in litigation. The client should expect that I’m going to work hard for them, that I’m going to put in the effort and time it takes to resolve a case. I try to be effective for clients and by effective I mean, not only doing what needs to be done as far as the work and working hard for them, but doing that in a way that is the most effective both cost and time effectiveness. I’d like to be perceived by my clients as honest, reliable and effective for them. Basically, all of the things they’d really like to have in an attorney that nobody thinks they have.

The highest compliment I ever get from clients is, they tell me some sort of horrible lawyer joke or story that lawyers are awful, oh except for you. When you come in to see me, your gonna come into my office and I’m going to point you to my bookshelf and you’re gonna see on that shelf, over the last twenty years, I have numerous thank you cards. Hand-written thank you cards from clients, thanking me for my service to them. They took the time to hand-write a thank you card and send it to me. I think that speaks about what type of practice I have and what type of lawyer I am and what I’ll do for you. If you’re running into legal problems or you need the advice of a legal professional, feel free to give me a call at my office at (480) 994-8824.

By: Max Hanson

Max Hanson – Profile Video | Arizona Criminal Defense

My name is Max Hanson. I’m an Arizona attorney and I practice primarily in criminal defense and family law. Well one, I’ve been doing this for seventeen years here in Arizona. I’ve basically appeared in almost every court in the state, including every county and superior court in the state and probably most of the little tiny courts. I believe in being upfront and honest with clients from the get go. I tell clients I’m a straight shooter and I really believe in that. They need to know what the risks are and what the benefits are to any particular goal or path they want to pursue as far as a case or in litigation. The client should expect that I’m going to work hard for them, that I’m going to put in the effort and time it takes to resolve a case. I try to be effective for clients and by effective I mean, not only doing what needs to be done as far as the work and working hard for them, but doing that in a way that is the most effective both cost and time effectiveness. I’d like to be perceived by my clients as honest, reliable and effective for them. Basically, all of the things they’d really like to have in an attorney that nobody thinks they have.

The highest compliment I ever get from clients is, they tell me some sort of horrible lawyer joke or story that lawyers are awful, oh except for you. When you come in to see me, your gonna come into my office and I’m going to point you to my bookshelf and you’re gonna see on that shelf, over the last twenty years, I have numerous thank you cards. Hand-written thank you cards from clients, thanking me for my service to them. They took the time to hand-write a thank you card and send it to me. I think that speaks about what type of practice I have and what type of lawyer I am and what I’ll do for you. If you’re running into legal problems or you need the advice of a legal professional, feel free to give me a call at my office at (480) 994-8824.

By: Max Hanson