What’s the Difference Between a Divorce and Legal Separation | Scottsdale Legal Separation

Chris Hildebrand | 1145 Views | 06/09/2014

Divorce vs Legal Separation

Hello, I want to speak to you today about the difference between a divorce and legal separation in the state of Arizona. In actuality, there are very few differences between the two and in both cases the court is going to divide your assets, divide the community debts, enter orders for custody of the children, order child support, if appropriate in both cases, the court will order alimony, or what we refer to as spousal maintenance.

The only difference between a legal separation and a divorce then is, the spouses are not returned to the status of being single people and are not free to remarry. If you have any other questions regarding the differences between a divorce and a legal separation, please feel free to contact me.

By: Chris Hildebrand

What’s the Difference Between a Divorce and Legal Separation | Scottsdale Legal Separation

Divorce vs Legal Separation

Hello, I want to speak to you today about the difference between a divorce and legal separation in the state of Arizona. In actuality, there are very few differences between the two and in both cases the court is going to divide your assets, divide the community debts, enter orders for custody of the children, order child support, if appropriate in both cases, the court will order alimony, or what we refer to as spousal maintenance.

The only difference between a legal separation and a divorce then is, the spouses are not returned to the status of being single people and are not free to remarry. If you have any other questions regarding the differences between a divorce and a legal separation, please feel free to contact me.

By: Chris Hildebrand