What are the Different Forms of Child Custody | Scottsdale Child Custody

Chris Hildebrand | 1187 Views | 06/09/2014

Types of Child Custody

I want to speak to you today about the different forms of legal custody of a child in the state of Arizona. When we talk about custody, we are really talking about two different aspects of custody as it relates to children.

Physical Custody

The first of which is, how much time the child or children spend in the each parent’s home. We refer to that as physical custody.

Legal Decision Making

But, the other aspect of custody has to do with who gets to make the major decisions affecting the child. For example, the decisions regarding education, such as where the child goes to school, medical decisions, the children’s participation in extracurricular activities and even the child’s religious upbringing.

If a parent has sole legal custody, that parent gets to make all those decisions irrespective of the wishes of the other parent. If the parents share joint legal custody however, both parents must agree regarding those decisions for the child. If you have any other questions regarding custody or parenting time in the state of Arizona, please feel free to contact me.

By: Chris Hildebrand

What are the Different Forms of Child Custody | Scottsdale Child Custody

Types of Child Custody

I want to speak to you today about the different forms of legal custody of a child in the state of Arizona. When we talk about custody, we are really talking about two different aspects of custody as it relates to children.

Physical Custody

The first of which is, how much time the child or children spend in the each parent’s home. We refer to that as physical custody.

Legal Decision Making

But, the other aspect of custody has to do with who gets to make the major decisions affecting the child. For example, the decisions regarding education, such as where the child goes to school, medical decisions, the children’s participation in extracurricular activities and even the child’s religious upbringing.

If a parent has sole legal custody, that parent gets to make all those decisions irrespective of the wishes of the other parent. If the parents share joint legal custody however, both parents must agree regarding those decisions for the child. If you have any other questions regarding custody or parenting time in the state of Arizona, please feel free to contact me.

By: Chris Hildebrand