Law Firm Website Bounce Rates
By: Tighe Wilhelmy | 11/04/2015
What is Bounce Rate? Welcome to another episode video marketing tips for lawyers. The purpose of this video is to explain how using video on you law...
By: Tighe Wilhelmy | 11/04/2015
What is Bounce Rate? Welcome to another episode video marketing tips for lawyers. The purpose of this video is to explain how using video on you law...
By: Tighe Wilhelmy | 12/14/2015
Schema Markup Properties Now that we’ve covered the importance of schema markup itself let’s discuss the properties and what you should include. Proper schema markup for videos...
By: Steven Long | 12/07/2015
Introduction This is Steve Long from Precision Legal Marketing. In this video, we’re going to be talking about re-marketing and retargeting. So many folks refer to this...
By: Bill Fukui | 11/18/2015
How Google’s Penguin Update Effects Attorneys I heard backlinks to my website are no longer useful and can even hurt SEO, is that true? The question of...
By: Tighe Wilhelmy | 11/30/2015
What is Schema Markup? Today I’m going to explain what schema markup is, and why it’s so important to include in your law firm’s video marketing strategy....