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5 Key Points to Legal Blog Marketing

2425 views | 11/13/2015 | 8 Comments | Matt Gottesman

Attorney Blogging Benefits

Hi, I’m Matt Gottesman, the founder, editor and Chief of Hustle & Deal Flow, Another particular topic of interest that comes up often is blogging. The question comes up, should I blog, and what are the benefits about blogs. I’ve come up with five key points of why you should consider doing a blog.

Ongoing Content

Number one, it gives you ongoing content. That ongoing content is what gets crawled by all the different search engines, and allows other people to find you.


Second, it establishes you as an authority. The more you’re talking about a particular topic, the more people are coming to you for that topic.


Third, it gives you credibility. Once you’ve established authority, and you are constantly keeping up with that particular topic, people see you as somebody that’s very credible, that is very engaged with this particular niche. They come to you knowing that you are the go-to person.


Fourth, it gives you incredible SEO. It’s the reason that your website will be able to be found significantly more.

Social Sharing

Five, sharing of content. We like to say jokingly, “Sharing is caring.” The reason being, is the more relevant your information is to your audience, the more likely they are to share it throughout their networks. This means their social media, or throughout their e-mail. If they find true value in it, they’re going to send it off to their networks, and then their networks will send it off to their networks. Hence, what will start to happen is you will get more traffic to your blog which also means more traffic to your website.

Matt Gottesman

By: Matt Gottesman
HDF Magazine


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