Who is at Fault in Malpractice Case? | Orlando Personal Injury

Nathan Carter | 781 Views | 09/25/2015

Who Can be Sued For Medical Malpractice in Florida?

A lot of clients come to us and ask us what types of doctors and nurses and x-ray techs can be sued for medical malpractice in Florida. The short answer is that all health care providers can be sued if they’re negligent and they hurt someone. There are different statutes that apply to different types of cases so it does get kind of complex, but the short answer is that in Florida, we do have a medical malpractice statute that covers all different health care providers. Some of them work in the hospital. Some of them work outside the hospital in private offices so we need to evaluate your case closely to see what type of health care providers were involved. Sometimes there’s doctors, nurses, and techs involved in the same case. If you have a question about that, call me, Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter

Who is at Fault in Malpractice Case? | Orlando Personal Injury

Who Can be Sued For Medical Malpractice in Florida?

A lot of clients come to us and ask us what types of doctors and nurses and x-ray techs can be sued for medical malpractice in Florida. The short answer is that all health care providers can be sued if they’re negligent and they hurt someone. There are different statutes that apply to different types of cases so it does get kind of complex, but the short answer is that in Florida, we do have a medical malpractice statute that covers all different health care providers. Some of them work in the hospital. Some of them work outside the hospital in private offices so we need to evaluate your case closely to see what type of health care providers were involved. Sometimes there’s doctors, nurses, and techs involved in the same case. If you have a question about that, call me, Nathan Carter at Colling Gilbert Wright & Carter at 1-800-49-LEGAL.

By: Nathan Carter