What are the Range of Penalties Associated With an Intent to Sell Marijuana Charge | Arizona

Max Hanson | 2166 Views | 06/10/2014

The range of penalties for intent to sell marijuana can range from everything down to probation, all the way up to 12-1/2 years in prison, plus up to $150,000 in fines, plus the special assessment on selling marijuana cases, which is $750, or three times the value of the drugs. Which if were talking about a large amount of marijuana, could be substantial, as opposed to what you’re already paying in fines and assessments. Additionally, you’re looking at at least 240 hours of community service for a conviction of this charge and the impact it can have to your future employment. If you or a loved one have been charged with a possession of marijuana with intent to sell, please give me a call at (480) 994-8824 or email me.

If you would like to discuss an intent to sell marijuana charge with a Scottsdale criminal attorney, please visit a profile page and complete a contact form.

By: Max Hanson

What are the Range of Penalties Associated With an Intent to Sell Marijuana Charge | Arizona

The range of penalties for intent to sell marijuana can range from everything down to probation, all the way up to 12-1/2 years in prison, plus up to $150,000 in fines, plus the special assessment on selling marijuana cases, which is $750, or three times the value of the drugs. Which if were talking about a large amount of marijuana, could be substantial, as opposed to what you’re already paying in fines and assessments. Additionally, you’re looking at at least 240 hours of community service for a conviction of this charge and the impact it can have to your future employment. If you or a loved one have been charged with a possession of marijuana with intent to sell, please give me a call at (480) 994-8824 or email me.

If you would like to discuss an intent to sell marijuana charge with a Scottsdale criminal attorney, please visit a profile page and complete a contact form.

By: Max Hanson