Premise Liability Lawsuit | Philadelphia Personal Injury

| 784 Views | 07/16/2015

Premise Liability Litigation Process

We see injuries occur because of improperly maintained premises, in a large variety of ways – the sidewalk that’s improperly maintained, the property that has inadequate security and therefore a criminal can get on the property and do harm. Those are just two examples of that kind of circumstance. Every case involving an improperly maintained premises – be it a business, be it a home, whatever the premises might be – that case requires exquisite care in evaluating the particular facts of that case. You have to get out to the scene of the incident. You have to photograph all of the relevant objects, all of the relevant defective and improperly maintained premises themselves. You have to interview the witnesses. You have to evaluate all of the potential defendants in the case. You then have to put the case in suit with care to sue all of the proper defendants, and then have to go forward and take the relevant discovery from all who may have information about why this injury occurred. And that means being able to sit in a conference room with a court reporter and ask the tough questions of the defendants and of the witnesses, and not be satisfied by getting half an answer.

Importance of Attorney Expertise

The lawyers of Kline & Specter know how to ask those questions in deposition. They know how to get the relevant documents, they know how to get the right experts, they know how to build the claim for the courtroom. Then, if the case cannot be settled for a reasonable amount of money that satisfies the client and her needs, our firm can take that case into court and win that case, and we’ve done so over and over again. I personally have two verdicts in excess of $10 million in premises liability cases. Other lawyers in our firm also have impressive results in premises liability cases. So, we know how to litigate these cases and to get those results in the courtroom.

By: Shanin Specter

Premise Liability Lawsuit | Philadelphia Personal Injury

Premise Liability Litigation Process

We see injuries occur because of improperly maintained premises, in a large variety of ways – the sidewalk that’s improperly maintained, the property that has inadequate security and therefore a criminal can get on the property and do harm. Those are just two examples of that kind of circumstance. Every case involving an improperly maintained premises – be it a business, be it a home, whatever the premises might be – that case requires exquisite care in evaluating the particular facts of that case. You have to get out to the scene of the incident. You have to photograph all of the relevant objects, all of the relevant defective and improperly maintained premises themselves. You have to interview the witnesses. You have to evaluate all of the potential defendants in the case. You then have to put the case in suit with care to sue all of the proper defendants, and then have to go forward and take the relevant discovery from all who may have information about why this injury occurred. And that means being able to sit in a conference room with a court reporter and ask the tough questions of the defendants and of the witnesses, and not be satisfied by getting half an answer.

Importance of Attorney Expertise

The lawyers of Kline & Specter know how to ask those questions in deposition. They know how to get the relevant documents, they know how to get the right experts, they know how to build the claim for the courtroom. Then, if the case cannot be settled for a reasonable amount of money that satisfies the client and her needs, our firm can take that case into court and win that case, and we’ve done so over and over again. I personally have two verdicts in excess of $10 million in premises liability cases. Other lawyers in our firm also have impressive results in premises liability cases. So, we know how to litigate these cases and to get those results in the courtroom.

By: Shanin Specter