Child Custody | Worcester Family Law

Polly Tatum | 793 Views | 02/01/2016

Child Custody Agreement

Parents may reach their own agreement on the issue of child custody, have the court adopt the agreement, and issue an order based on the parents’ agreement. If parents cannot agree on the issue of child custody, in most cases a Probate and Family Court judge will decide how custody of the children is handled.

How Does The Court Determine Custody

Any award of custody is based upon the court’s standard, the best interest of the child. This means that the court looks to the needs, well-being, and happiness of the child and awards custody based upon those factors. Just because one parent is awarded physical custody does not necessarily mean the other parent is unfit. Many times, one parent’s rigorous work schedule or lack of day-to-day parenting experience will be the deciding factor.

By: Polly Tatum

Child Custody | Worcester Family Law

Child Custody Agreement

Parents may reach their own agreement on the issue of child custody, have the court adopt the agreement, and issue an order based on the parents’ agreement. If parents cannot agree on the issue of child custody, in most cases a Probate and Family Court judge will decide how custody of the children is handled.

How Does The Court Determine Custody

Any award of custody is based upon the court’s standard, the best interest of the child. This means that the court looks to the needs, well-being, and happiness of the child and awards custody based upon those factors. Just because one parent is awarded physical custody does not necessarily mean the other parent is unfit. Many times, one parent’s rigorous work schedule or lack of day-to-day parenting experience will be the deciding factor.

By: Polly Tatum